The 9 Dimensions of Consciousness


The 9 Dimensions of Consciousness
Acrylic, pencil, processed acid-free drawing paper, glue, bodhran (an Irish frame drum I wasn’t using)
18.5 x 18.5 x 3.5 inches 


The concept for this piece came from a talk by Barbara Hand Clow, a speaker and author who says she channels a Pleiadian being from the 5th dimension named Satya. I was having problems keeping track of all the info about the different dimensions so I made a chart with visual symbols of the different dimensions. The chart then turned into this painting.

For those of you who want to know what I had in mind with this, here are what I intended the various sections to symbolize. (People who would rather give the painting their own meanings are very welcome to do so!)

1st dimension– The inner core of the Earth.
2nd dimension– The space between the inner core of the Earth and the surface (the “telluric realm”).
3rd dimension– The realm where we humans and our fellow 3D beings live.
4th dimension– The realm of thought, judgement, and time.
5th dimension– Unconditional love. The realm where beings ascend after working through the complexities involved with discernment and judgement.
6th dimension– Sacred geometry.
7th dimension– Light and sound creating form.
8th dimension– Pure power, neither good nor bad.
9th dimension– A realm where beings who have ascended through the various previous levels work together and affect the other dimensions. The “source”.